miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

My experience learning English at the university

I start English at the university two years ago. My teachers are very good, and professional in their jobs.
In this opportunity I am going to talk about my experience in all levels of English. This experience has been obliged; although in general has been very satisfactory too.
I don’t like English; I think that the Spanish is more beautiful and complex but is a requirement in this university study English to get the university degree.
In the last semester I have been inattentive but I know that if I want, I could be good in this language.

I remember that started level vas very easy, and the teacher helped us very much. Later, in the beginner, whit other teacher, English was pleasant because she (the teacher) is very charismatic and happy. The English was a play and I improve so much this language when I was in her class. The next level, Pre-Intermediate, was with the same teacher, and we began to write a blog. I never write a blog in Spanish, least in English. And now I’m in the last level, the Intermediate. This semester I have been irresponsible whit this class, and I do not want excuse me, but my motivation doesn’t exist. The teacher is very good, I feel that he is really interest in that his student learns and I thank him so much for that.
Write a blog is the activity to attract my attention. Really, I thing that this activity is very good, because I felt motivate to think in English, and look for tools to express my ideas in English. I did not enjoy of all write a blog, because I do not like write, generally I prefer talk and I felt many times that I write only to fulfil, but I did not fell up to write. However I have improved my English whit each blog that I have written, because I have increased my vocabulary. I think that is a good tool to learn this language that is very complicate for me.

The experience in English has been very satisfactory, I show myself to be very able to achieve the objectives and to pass this course although I don’t like this language.
I believe that I have learned very much, and now I could, at least, make me understand.
I’m very grateful for this opportunity, if it had not been obligatory I had not taken this course, but I have no regrets.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Art and Me...

Art is a kind of expression that is really important for culture and for humanity so it is indeed a way to a new form of perception of live, I enjoy art because it is beautiful how I feel when I have it in front of me, since I was a kid I have visited a lot of museums in my country, I always went with my mother. I like very much to visit museums, here in Santiago I have gone to a lot of museums specially due to the bicentenary. Well I neither draw nor paint pictures in fact when I have to do so I always do my best to get a good one; I have never participated in any art competition. A lot of people have good skills in art but I do not feel jealous anyway, the modernism and art have to be together and I like very much that result because it is part of everyday life, the paints of Pablo Picasso are so good I think he was practically a genius and I find he is astonishes and he is a little weird too. The graffiti is almost used as a way of vandalism but not always happens to be part of it so it is also a form of art specially for the young people, my favorite painter is Da vinci, he is a great painter his paints are so interesting in many ways and my favourite paint is The Mona Lisa, some people say that The Mona Lisa is Da Vinci painted himself if it is real how he did it? Everybody ask themselves. There are a lot of good persons in art and it can be trough the music, sculpture and making amazing things too. The world and the universe are the biggest arts ever created.

sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

Reading and Dementia

Today I found this interesting article about the reading and dementia.
Reading aloud to groups of people with dementia has been found to stimulate memories and imagination. Katie Clark runs Reader groups with dementia patients
The Reader runs groups with disadvantaged people of all ages and the anthology – A Little, Aloud – features the stories and poems that have proved most popular, together with anecdotes about the people who have enjoyed them.
"So I sat down a safe distance away and said, 'I'm just going to try reading this poem. If you don't like it that's fine, but let's see what you think of it.'
Clark says poetry seems to work better than prose with dementia patients. "When you read poetry aloud, you slow down. Every line is full of meaning, condensed down. At the end, people will often go back and reread one line several times."
"If one person is reading aloud, at the end the others sometimes clap or say well done. I think that's really moving."
"It's really hard when family members have developed dementia. They can't remember the people you're talking about, or even what day it is. You want to go and visit people and have a nice time with them, but what do you talk about? The book is a wonderful resource for sharing something together."
This article provides a very useful information treating somehow people with demential because sometimes most people doesn`t know to go on with those who have demential.
You can get more information in this link http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/oct/05/reading-aloud-dementia-patients
See you…

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Cinema and movies

Well, today I’m going to write about cinema. I like very much the cinema, but I don’t have money to go frequently, with luck, only once in a month.

In the Bicentenary Holidays, I went to the free cinema in the Cultural Centre “Palacio de la Moneda” a saw a film in black and white. Very interesting, but I wouldn’t see it again.

I have many favourite films; I like so much The Butterfly Effects because it’s real... If you change one important thing in your life, all your life change too. That’s why we shouldn’t regret for the past time. I recommend it but it is full of fiction.

I like “A Beautiful Mind” too because it shows us how we can achieve whatever that we set out to do, even if they are difficult. The kind of story on this film can not be found in the real life because it is almost impossible but even that, I also recommend it.

Other film is Ghost, It’s very incredible, and this film it’s really amazing for me. The love can do this kind of connection believe or not, only that we don’t see it, we can feel it. If you like the most romantic films, you have to see it.

In the past I rent films, to see in my house, but with internet it’s not necessary, I only download the films and see them in a comfortable place, my bed.

It is all for today soon I will write more about my interest. Good luck!!!

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010


Hello! Today I write about Music.

The music in my life is almost everything because I am a musician, I play guitar, and try to sing and dance.

The music I make feel free, when I go to the bus or subway I always go listen to music whit my mp3, and in my house when I am doing household chores I need the music to do it well. Since I arrive to Chile I almost don’t play guitar because I don’t have time to do it.

I like almost every kind of music, except for the reagueton because this isn’t music; this is an insult to the music. When I was 15 years old I Like the Heavy Metal, I like it still, but I enjoy listening other kind music. Besides I can dance; the people in Venezuela dance frequently and I like it. In Chile is different but I dance anyway, and to dance I need good music.

My favorite singer is Juanes, I love him for a long time. I like very much his lyrics.

Without music the worlds only vanish… the music is vital part of the world. That’s the reason why the birds sing, and we can hear the sound of the wind and infinites sounds of the nature, everything is music… nature music.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

A country I would like visit: Italy

A country I have always wanted to visit is Italy, because I like the Italian language so much and Italian men too.

I dream of seeing Venetia, because this city was the inspiration when Colon called to my beloved country Venezuela. “Venezuela” to mean, according to legend, “Pequeña Venecia”. He saw that in Venezuela the natives’ house was on the water and remembered Venetia.

Other city in Italy that I like to visit is Asis, I’m devout that “Francisco de Asís”. When I was child I studied in a Franciscan school and learn the history to his life. Will be amazing could see the church that he did, and pray in his grave. He is a very important figure in the Catholic Church but I think that independently of your belief, he left very good teachings.

I like only visit, because I don’t’ want to move to other country, but if I will go I prefer to stay here several days, at least 15 to do a good tour. But if I had the opportunity to study a postgraduate course whit a grant, I will go without think for 2 years.

In other opportunity I write more about this. Good bye.